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DLL: Run-Time Dynamic Linking

Call Windows APIs or own DLLs directly from a HicEst script.

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Optional keywords:
(Syntax of optional keywords)
CHar0P CHarP ERror ErrIf ErrIfNot HINSTance I1 I1P I1U I1UP I2 I2P I2U I2UP I4 I4P I4U I4UP I8P Module Procedure R4 R4P R8P STrucP Unload Wdw1
keyword  type 
Keywords controlling the DLL call, arbitrary position:
Module txt M="c:\DLLs\myDLL" (REQUIRED)
Procedure txt P='myfunction' (REQUIRED). Case sensitive.
Unload num U=0 to keep the module open for further calls. Default is 1.
ErrIf num EI=n calls and displays API GetLastError if API returns n
ErrIfNot num EIN=m calls and displays API GetLastError API return is not m
ERror lbl ER=999 on error jump to label 999
option  type 
Pointers can return output and are required for strings and arrays.
Executed in sequence without extra alignments.
I1P num 4-byte-pointer to signed 1-byte-integer
I2P num 4-byte-pointer to signed 2-byte-integer
I4P num 4-byte-pointer to signed 4-byte-integer
I8P num 4-byte-pointer to signed 8-byte-integer
I1UP num 4-byte-pointer to unsigned 1-byte-integer
I2UP num 4-byte-pointer to unsigned 2-byte-integer
I4UP num 4-byte-pointer to unsigned 4-byte-integer
R4 num value of 4-byte-floating
R4P num 4-byte-pointer to 4-byte-floating
R8P num 4-byte-pointer to 8-byte-floating
CHarP txt 4-byte-pointer to character string
CHar0P txt 4-byte-pointer to character string, last byte set by DLL to CHAR(0)
STrucP txt 4-byte-pointer to structure txt defined by STRUCT before.
option  type 
Values do not return output except if embedded in structures,
Executed in sequence without extra alignments.
I1 num value of signed 1-byte-integer
I2 num value of signed 2-byte-integer
I4 num value of signed 4-byte-integer
I1U num value of unsigned 1-byte-integer
I2U num value of unsigned 2-byte-integer
I4U num value of unsigned 4-byte-integer
option  type 
May be useful for some operations
HINSTance num HINST=instance, Module and Procedure options not needed
Wdw1 num W1=handle to script window, , Module and Procedure options not needed

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