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SYSTEM: Calls to the Windows Operating System

Many types of file listings. Directory commands. Copy, Delete. Wait. Window sizes. Fonts. Shell calls: browser, mail client, explorer, CMD, etc..

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⇾autorun_mode ⇾browser ⇾command_interpreter ⇾copy_delete ⇾csv ⇾directory_append ⇾directory_commands ⇾directory_create ⇾directory_elements_read ⇾directory_get ⇾directory_list_edit ⇾directory_set ⇾e-mail ⇾environment ⇾error_handling ⇾explorer ⇾file-list ⇾file_attributes ⇾files_and_folders ⇾font_commands ⇾hard_disk_serial_number ⇾program_start_wait ⇾script_execution ⇾start_programs ⇾time_stamp ⇾wait_msec ⇾window_parameters

Optional keywords:
(Syntax of optional keywords)
APPend BOld CHain COPY COPYTO CoMmanD DELETE DIR FIle FONt FT FoNtnr GEteNV HDNR ITalic Mode PoinT RUN SETDIR SHell SORt STYle UnderLine WAIT WINdowhandle getHeight getWidth getXPixels getYPixels setENV

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